The latino policy institute


Elizabeth 1

Elizabeth Ortiz ESQ.

Family Court Attorney at Ortiz Law Firm

As a first generation Colombian-American, Elizabeth struggled to balance being a young mother while  attending CCRI part time and working in a law office. It was during this time she found her passion and went on to pursue a law degree from Roger Williams University. 

Combining her passion with first hand experience to socio-economic and family issues, Elizabeth felt drawn to Family court. Being one of few Latinx practitioners in Family Court issues, she best utilized her background knowledge and experiences to advocate for children whose parents go through high conflict divorces and custody battles. 

Similar to many of those who immigrate to the United States, Elizabeth’s family faced many challenges including learning a new language and adapting to a  new way of life. Elizabeth believes that Latino’s sense of community and work ethic has enriched not only our state but the nation by bringing together hard working people yielding a better life for their families.

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